Since dropping out of Beezid a month ago, I have received 4 phone calls from their Telemarketing department promising to help me win "The Big Items." I thought this was interesting, so I spoke with the first two telemarketers that called me (from Canada, incidentally).
The first caller told me she had observed that I hadn't won any big items and that she would like to teach me how to do it. The first thing I had to do was log in and buy $550 worth of bids and she would triple my bids. (AS IF I WOULD SPEND $550!) Tripling my bids on Beezid really means doubling them plus 1/5. This is not really a deal, since you can buy bids on the auction site for less than .13 a bid. I know, because I never spent more than .15 a bid on Beezid after the first bid package when joining. I pointed out to her that .30 a bid (the average price of this deal), was still much too high a price to pay for bids. She said that unless I had a stockpile of bids, like the Pros had, I would never win a big item. I said I didn't want to win a big item, I merely wanted to win $25 - $100 gift cards in a fair auction where maniacs and lunatics are not spoiling the auction by overbidding by 200 and 300 bids the value of the item.
She told me that bidders overbid to demonstrate their power and make a name for themselves so that they can then win auctions in the future much cheaper by merely intimidation. I said that was silly and counterproductive, since when I checked for these maniacs' names, they, in fact, were overspending on nearly every auction. The whole point of penny auctions, I pointed out, was to win things cheap, not overspend on them. She said that Pros pay much less for bids than average people, and I said not according to my research, or according to the final auction results where Beezid shows how much the bids cost the bidder and what he/she actually spent.
There may be some Pros paying .10 a bid at Beezid, but most are spending .15 - .20 a bid and they are not making any money by power bidding an auction. Most recently, a bidder named "turkeyboy" overbid 50% on three separate auctions - a $25 gift card, a set of towels and a set of sheets. He could have bought all three products from Target for less than he spent on one auction. It makes no sense.
The telemarketer realized I was not an easy mark and let me go. The second telemarketer tried the same ploy on me, and when he realized I wasn't an idiot, but rather a disillusioned and disgusted normal bidder, he encouraged me to give Beezid another chance. I said I certainly would, thank you very much (not)! The next few calls I recognized from Beezid I let roll into voice mail.
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