April 20, 2013

How to Win on DealDash

Yes, Virginia, there is a way to win on DealDash if you are really patient, have money to BIN items you need or want anyway, and can accumulate a lot of free bids from the 20- and 30-second timer countdowns that are very annoying (and boring).

I haven't paid for a bid since my first bid pack on DealDash. I just accumulated tons of free bids by setting the BidBuddy to 100 or 200 bids on auctions where I can BIN (Buy it Now) an item I will use like cash - a giftcard for Target, for example, or an item I like under $30.

Over the past two weeks, I bought over $200 worth of BIN items from DealDash that I will immediately use like cash. Not only did I get all my bids back, but I accumulated over 400 free bids from the timer countdown. Most bidders on DealDash let the clock run down so everyone can get free bids. They are polite that way.

Now, how to win an auction (besides being lucky?): First, bid a few times on an auction before it reaches $5, when it closes to new bidders. You can watch that auction to see how many BidBuddies are running by observing the bidders and how often the clock resets at about 3 seconds. The clock never runs below 3 seconds when there are auto-bidders. Check back on the auction every so often, to see who dropped out. When there are 3 or fewer bidders left, and the price of the auction has gone up to about 30 - 40% of the item value (say $7 for a $25 gift card), consider all the bids you are using for that auction to be free bids. You might as well spend them, since they really didn't cost you anything.

Load the BidBuddy with 200 - 300 bids. You will win. By that time, most in the auction are running low on bids, or don't want to spend more than the item is worth (if they paid for their bids), or are not interested in the BIN option. Anyone entering the auction late, like you, will be using the same strategy, so you can hope you have more bids to spend.

I have only won on DealDash two ways: winning early in the auction by luck, or winning late in the auction by outbidding with free bids and spending 30 - 40% of the final price on the item.

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