March 16, 2013

Rule #1: TGIF - Get Your Bids Cheap

In an effort to adhere to Rule #1 of Penny Wise, Penny Foolish, the lower the cost of your bids, the higher profit you make on your winnings.After your first promotional bonus when joining a site, you'll have to buy bid packs at "promo" rates or win them in auctions. The cheapest way to buy bids is to win them, but that requires spending bids to do it. You'll have to use the formula to determine how many bids you can afford to spend to win more bids. (No more than 1/3).

The next cheapest and easier method is to bid on "Free To Bid" auctions on Beezid or HappyBidDay and pay .06 - .16 per bid, at most. On Beezid, there are constant free auctions on packs of bids ranging from 50, 150, 80, 250, etc. The amounts are somewhat random, so you must do the math ahead of time. Make a list of bid quantities offered and determine your absolute maximum price for that pack. For example, a 50-bid pack on Beezid frequently sells for $8.80 to $9, which is about .17 per bid. My goal is to pay less than $8 for that pack, and I won't bid above that. If someone else wants to pay more, let them. You don't get into bid wars over bid packs. I won't pay more than $10 for a 75 pack, and my goal is to always get it cheaper. I don't focus on buying bid packs, but look for deals and stock up if I can snag them cheaply. It's like buying boxes of cereal on sale. You know you'll use it and enjoy not paying $4 a box for it!

Set a max price based on .14/bid or thereabouts for Beezid. No reason to spend more. Don't be in a hurry, just watch for opportunities to snag bids cheaply. Whatever you do, don't buy any of their promotional packs where they offer 300% bids. Remember, promo bids expire after a week, and bonus bids only count 1:5, in other words, they only apply for every 5 real bids you spend. Even factoring in the 1:5 bonus bids into the value, a typical bid package: 100 bids @ $70 plus, 100 promo bids and 100 bonus bids (worth 20 bids). If you use up these bids in a week's time (220 bids), they cost you .31 each. You can buy bids much cheaper either in auctions, by winning free bids in a hybrid auction, or bidding for them at a max price of .14 - .16. There are plenty of opportunities for that.

Don't get sucked into a "promo" deal. It's not a deal.

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